Thought for the week
Bishop Richard's Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent
Bishop Richard's Video Podcast for the First Sunday of Advent
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
As I write this week’s podcast, MPs are preparing to vote on the “Assisted Dying Bill.” May I thank all those who have written to MPs, calling for them to vote against this proposed legislation. Let us continue to pray that the dignity of life will be respected; most especially on Friday 29 November, with fasting and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament during times of adoration in our churches.
This Sunday will see us begin using the new Lectionary in our parishes. The use of the new translation provides us with an opportunity to hear the Word of God afresh – the Word that is ever-new, and is always effective in the minds and hearts of those open to hear God’s Word.
This Sunday also marks the beginning of the new Church’s Year – the First Sunday of Advent – and this year we hear the Gospel of Luke on Sundays.
I invite you to reflect on the words of Jesus in the Gospel: “your redemption is drawing near.” Our redemption begins with the Angel’s message to Mary, telling her that she is to be the mother of Jesus, and in this season we now prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ, Emmanuel, God-with-us. The Season of Advent is a time of expectant hope in His coming – both at the end of time, and in our celebration of His birth at Christmas. The presence of Christ, the life of Christ, His death and resurrection – this is our hope and our life, and we rejoice at His coming.
This Season of Advent is a time for us to progress in love and hope – with faith – these are the marks of the Christian. All three are gifts – gifts in which we rejoice and gifts that we are called to share with our brothers and sisters, that all might rejoice in the birth of the One Who became one of us, though free from sin, for our salvation.
As we prepare to celebrate the birth of the Saviour, may the message of the wonder and dignity of life be proclaimed, celebrated, and protected.
May this Season of Advent be a time of grace and blessing for us all, that we may respond ever more deeply to the call the Lord has given to us, to be His people, His instruments, at the service of the Gospel for our brothers and sisters.
With every blessing,
Bishop Richard's Reflection for the First Sunday of Advent